Peel beetroot or cream properly

Peel beetroot or cream properly

Peeling beetroot made easy

The inconspicuous beets are a real power food. They are full of vitamins, iron and antioxidants and get our bodies going. But before you can serve and consume the great tuber, the dull, earthy skin should be removed. This can be done raw or cooked with the beet.

also read

  • The beetroot season: when is it time?
  • Beetroot: cook it and then put it in the freezer!
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Peel the beetroot raw

  1. Put on disposable gloves, as the beetroot stains strongly.
  2. Cut off the stalk with the leaf roots or whole leaves, as well as the root.
  3. Use a sharp knife, if possible not with a serrated edge. A serrated knife would severely damage the meat of the beetroot. The juice would leak out and color everything red.
  4. Take a peeler and remove the skin from the tuber strip by strip.
  5. If the beetroot is completely peeled, you can process it further and cut it into thin slices or dice it.

Cook the beetroot before peeling

  1. You should also wear gloves in this case.
  2. Put a saucepan with water on the stove and add the beetroot with the roots and stalk. If you cut both off before cooking, the beetroot will bleed out while cooking.
  3. With a little caraway in the cooking water, you underline the earthy aroma of the tuber.
  4. Cook the beetroot for 30 to 40 minutes.
  5. Do a cooking test with a wooden or metal skewer before lifting the tuber out of the water.
  6. Rinse the tuber under cold water.
  7. Now peel the beetroot with the kitchen knife like a jacket potato.

If you prefer to cook the beetroot in the oven, wrap the washed tuber in aluminum foil with a little butter and salt. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and cook the beetroot for about 40 minutes. Then you can peel off the skin with a kitchen knife.

Process the beetroot further

You have many options for processing the beetroot. It is suitable for starters, main courses or salads.

A delicious starter is, for example, a beetroot carpaccio. To do this, cut the cooked and peeled tuber into thin slices. Arrange the slices on a plate, pour some balsamic vinegar over them and season with salt and pepper. Grate some fresh Parmesan cheese over it and the delicious starter is ready.

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