How to determine your indoor palm - tips and tricks

How to determine your indoor palm - tips and tricks

There are not only very different types of indoor palms, such as fan or feather palms, but also the so-called palm-like plants. These include, for example, the very popular yucca palm.

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  • How to care for your indoor palm - tips and tricks
  • How to properly fertilize your indoor palms - tips and tricks
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How to distinguish between fan palms and feather palms

The most important distinguishing feature of palm trees is the leaf base or leaf blade, which in most indoor palms completely encloses the trunk. In this way he gives support to the corresponding sheet. If the leaf has died, the leaf blade leaves a scar that gives the trunk its characteristic appearance.

In the fan palm, the leaf blade merges into the petiole and is usually divided into several segments. However, some fan palms have round leaves. The pinnate palm, on the other hand, has petioles that continue as a midrib, from which the individual leaflets branch off. Both types are divided into different subcategories.

The ideal indoor palm for beginners

The cobbler palm is one of the most robust indoor palms. It even forgives repeated care mistakes such as drafts, dust or insufficient humidity. It prefers a partially shaded location and is grateful for good care. During the growth phase, 14 days of fertilization and moderate watering are recommended. In winter, the temperature should not drop below 12 ° C.

Palm-like plants

The most famous palm-like plant is probably the popular yucca palm. But the dragon tree and the elephant tree also belong to this group. The only thing they have in common is that they look like palm trees. From a botanical point of view, however, they belong to different plant genera. The yucca palm or palm lily belongs to the agave family. The dragon trees even form their own genus in the asparagus family.

Popular and well-known indoor palms and palm-like plants:

  • Honey palm
  • Yucca palm
  • Mountain palm
  • Banana tree
  • Elephant tree
  • Date palm
  • Coconut palm
  • Hemp palm
  • Cobbler palm


Smaller forms or very slow-growing indoor palms are particularly suitable as house plants. If your living room is not flooded with light, then choose a palm tree that requires little light.