Kleine Braunelle im Rasen bekämpfen

Kleine Braunelle im Rasen bekämpfen

Wie bekämpfen Sie Kleine Braunelle im Rasen?

So schlimm wie andere Rasenunkräuter, beispielsweise Ackerschachtelhalm, Giersch oder Quecke, ist die Kleine Braunelle sicherlich nicht. Wenn Sie Wert auf einen schönen grünen Rasen legen, sollten Sie die Pflanze aber möglichst schnell bekämpfen. Folgende Maßnahmen sind zu ergreifen:

  • Rasen vor der Blüte der Kleinen Braunelle mähen
  • vorhandene Pflanzen von Hand ausziehen
  • Rasen im Frühjahr vertikutieren
  • Rasen mit Folie beschatten

also read

  • Fight brown ella permanently in the lawn
  • The right location for Braunelle (Prunella)
  • Fighting weeds in the lawn - tips for correct scarifying

Do not let small Braunelle seeds out

The Kleine Braunelle spreads mainly via runners above ground, but new plants also emerge from the seeds.

You should therefore mow the lawn regularly so that the little brown elk cannot start to bloom in the first place.

Fight small Braunelle by hand

To pull out Kleine Braunelle by hand, all you need is a small hoe to loosen the soil a little. Pull the plant completely out of the soil. Look for runners and remove them as well. Remember that every scrap of plants can sprout a new plant.

Kleine Braunelle thrives particularly well on solid ground. You should therefore always aerate the lawn in spring. In doing so, you pull out existing plants and runners.

Cover the lawn with foil

If the Kleine Braunelle has spread so much that you can't keep up with pulling it out by hand, try an old gardening trick.

Place opaque sheeting on the lawn for a couple of weeks and secure it with stones or tent pegs. Due to the lack of light, the little brown cell dies. The lawn will also turn brown, but will quickly recover from this treatment.


The Kleine Braunelle is often planted as a ground cover under trees and bushes in the garden. It forms dense carpets there and blooms from June to August. The pretty white, red and purple flowers are a real magnet for insects.