Eliminate weeds in the bed sustainably

Eliminate weeds in the bed sustainably

The best tips for a weed-free bed

There are two main reasons for the stubbornness of weeds: Flowering weeds very quickly form a large number of seeds, which are distributed in the environment, for example by the wind, and sometimes remain viable for years to come. Other species - including ground elder - develop extremely long roots that form real networks underground. If these are torn out, new plants can form from even the smallest remains. Incidentally, this is also the reason why root weeds, as well as seeds that have been sown, do not belong in the compost.

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  • Weeding in autumn: When weeds grow faster than allowed
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Weeding, weeding and weeding again

The best remedy against weeds is and remains regular weeding, which should always be done in good time before the seeds ripen. Even if this seems very tedious, thanks to new garden tools you no longer have to kneel on the ground. Weed pullers or weed removers with long handles make this job a lot easier. In addition, regular weeding has several pleasant side effects: Not only do you save yourself the expensive gym, over time the weed pressure decreases by itself. Frequent weeding weakens the unwanted herb, so that it appears less and less.

Dig up and loosen regular soil

Root weeds in particular can only be kept in check by frequent digging and loosening of the soil (e.g. with a hoe). When pounding deeply, make sure to remove as many roots as possible. You should also use a digging fork instead of a spade, as this tool can be used to cut the roots more sustainably.

Do not leave any open spaces in the bed

In nature there are no free, ungrown areas. Bare earth is always overgrown within a very short time, which is why you can keep weeds away by not leaving any open spaces in the bed. Cover the spaces between the crops with stones (e.g. pebbles), gravel or other mulch material (e.g. bark mulch, grass clippings). Weed control (€ 28.90 at Amazon *) also does a very good job.


Strictly speaking, there are actually no “weeds”; instead, the wild growth in the bed consists of often edible wild herbs with healthy ingredients. Giersch, chickweed, sorrel, purslane and the like can be plucked out - and then enjoyed as a tea, salad or soup.