You need to keep this in mind when pruning oak trees

You need to keep this in mind when pruning oak trees

Requirements for pruning oak

Whether you can prune an oak tree depends on how old the tree is and whether it is listed in the building plan or the tree protection statute of the municipality.

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If you prune a tree like this without a permit, you may face heavy fines.

Young oaks, on the other hand, can be pruned back yourself to thin them out, shape them and remove excess branches.

The best time to prune oak

If you plan to prune your oak, it is best to do so in early spring.

The cool temperatures reduce the risk of fungi and germs spreading in the wounds and weakening the tree.

Cut young oak trees into shape

Young oak trees usually tolerate pruning well.

Get cut:

  • Thin branches on the lower trunk
  • Dead branches in the crown
  • Cross-growing branches
  • Sick and rotten branches
  • Fungal branches

After the cut, you need to take care of the wounds. Coat the open areas with special wound balm.

Don't prune too much

Pruning oak trees encourages the development of new shoots. If you prune the tree too hard, you can expect it to produce countless new branches.

Have old oak trees cut by a specialist company

Old oak trees tend to produce a lot of dead wood. Dead branches are a danger to passers-by and buildings. They must therefore be removed.

In the case of very old trees, you should hire a specialist company to do the pruning. Such companies have the necessary aids such as extendable ladders and climbing aids. The employees are also trained in pruning oak.

You can also hire the company to get approval for the pruning from the community.

Tips & Tricks

You can cover large wounds caused by cutting back thick branches with pond liner. The film protects the open area at least as well from invading putrefactive bacteria as commercial wound balm.