Growing pak choi in the garden

Growing pak choi in the garden

When is pak choi planted?

Pak Choi can be brought forward in the house from April. The seeds are sown in seed trays and placed in a warm, light spot. It is important to ensure constant watering. The plants can be put outdoors from mid-May.

Alternatively, you can also sow pak choi directly outside. Pak Choi is very sensitive to cold and should therefore only be sown when frost is definitely no longer to be expected. Pak Choi is ready for harvest after five to eight weeks, so you can still sow it in June, July or even August.

also read

  • When is Pak Choi season?
  • Harvest pak choi properly
  • Sowing pak choi: how to prefer it

Where is pak choi planted?

Pak Choi likes it warm and sunny. Choose a location that is as sheltered from the wind as possible with humus, nutrient-rich soil. Pak Choi is also suitable for keeping in a bucket.

What is the planting distance?

When growing pak choi, a planting distance of about 25 to 30 cm should be kept from one plant to the next.

Pak Choi gets along with these plant neighbors

When growing pak choi in the vegetable patch, you should pay attention to which plants it harmonizes well with and which not. Good neighbors include beans, peas, endive, kohlrabi, spinach and tomatoes; However, it does not get along with other types of cabbage, radishes and radishes.

Here's how to plant your Pak Choi step by step

  • Before planting out your pak choi, dig up the soil to loosen up the soil. -Nutrient-poor soil can be enriched with a little compost.
  • Since pak choi is very popular with snails, you can put snail rings or snail fences in the ground for protection. Alternatively, lay out a mixture of lime and sawdust around the plants.
  • Then put your plants in their place and water them well.

Pour pak choi properly

Pak Choi likes it damp but - like most plants - abhors waterlogging. You should therefore water regularly, but ensure adequate drainage, especially with pot cultures.

Fertilize pak choi

Indulge your pak choi with a good portion of compost three weeks after planting out. As a heavy eater, pak choi needs sufficient nutrients to grow well.

Harvest pak choi

Pak Choi can usually be harvested after two to two and a half months. The harvest therefore ranges from June to September, depending on the time of planting. Harvest the plant and its roots so that it stays fresh longer. You can find more information about the correct harvesting and storage of your Pak Chois here.