Destroying the horned sorrel: it costs nerves!

Destroying the horned sorrel: it costs nerves!

Permanent destruction is a matter of luck

Once the horned sorrel has settled and has already been able to develop seeds, it is difficult to displace it again. He is considered tough. Simply tearing it out does not stop it. Its roots survive, and when they don't, its seeds help spread it. Within a few years a whole area can be dominated by the horned sorrel.

also read

  • Horn sorrel - edible, but not always healthy
  • Fight lilies of the valley and destroy them permanently
  • Balsam: Recognize and destroy weeds

Fighting sorrel in the lawn

If the horned sorrel grows in a carefully tended lawn, the following measures can help:

  • Liming the lawn regularly (horned sorrel does not like lime)
  • Let horned sorrel die of thirst
  • Completely dig out the affected areas and use new (finished) lawn
  • Mow the lawn regularly (twice a week in summer)

Fight horned sorrel at other locations

In other locations, it makes most sense to weed the horned sorrel. It is imperative to remove all of its roots. Otherwise, the remaining parts of the roots will create new plants. They are extremely willing to survive. Take a spade and gloves and get to work!

If that doesn't work or if you don't have the time or inclination to weed, you can use weed killers. Herbicides should be applied directly to the annoying horned violets. The plants die within a very short time. But that is no guarantee that they will not reappear, for example due to seeds that have already been scattered ...

Prevent settlement at an early stage

It would be ideal if you prevent horned sorrel clover from settling in advance. It loves acidic soils and partially shaded locations. Don't leave bare land, mulch the earth, plant resilient crops, fertilize and mow your lawn, and remove the first sorrel you catch immediately!


If you give up fighting, you will be content with eating this plant out of frost. The horned sorrel is edible.