Eine Regentonne auf dem Balkon aufstellen

Eine Regentonne auf dem Balkon aufstellen

Welche Regentonne ist die Richtige?


Chances are you're putting your rain barrel on the balcony because you don't have your own garden. So you need a smaller volume, because you need less irrigation water on average. In addition, a large barrel takes up too much space and seating. However, if you add a filter, you don't have to use the rainwater exclusively for watering flowers. Purified water is also suitable for household use.

also read

  • Disguise a rain barrel as a stone
  • Ways to disguise a rain barrel
  • Filling a rain barrel

Note: Always pay attention to the statics when you set up a rain barrel on the balcony. A filled container can weigh up to several tons.


Conventional rain barrels (€ 149.95 at Amazon *) in dark green are not a pretty sight. Especially not on the balcony, where the models are difficult to hide. The trade now offers attractive objects, for example in the form of a wine barrel. Alternatively, you can find out here how to disguise your rain barrel yourself.

Possible disadvantages

  • Little water gain due to the small volume.
  • Must be placed directly on a downpipe.
  • Rainwater could start to stink.
  • Few opportunities to build a pedestal to mount a tap.
  • Mosquito larvae in summer (a lid is recommended here).

Hibernate the rain barrel on the balcony

Wintering a rain barrel on the balcony is easily possible. To do this, you should empty the model by at least two thirds of the amount of water. If a layer of ice forms, you should break it up regularly. You can also wrap an insulating film around the bin.