Freeze apples - no longer crisp but usable

Freeze apples - no longer crisp but usable

Select suitable apples

Finding enough perfect apples to make into a frozen stash shouldn't be a big problem. They shouldn't have any rotten spots or pressure points.

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In principle, all apple varieties can be frozen. However, the frosty temperatures in the chest do not allow the apples to linger in peace. They change both their taste and texture.

  • sweet apple varieties tolerate frost better than tart ones
  • Apples suitable for baking are better than floury varieties
  • Gala, Golden Delicius or Granny Smith are ideal

The apple has to be cut up

Even small fruits are still too big to freeze completely in the freezer. That is why whole apples are cut into pieces before freezing. It is up to you whether you leave the bowl on or not. With an organically cultivated apple, there is nothing wrong with it.

It is best to cut the apples in the way that is optimal for later use:

  • Pieces for smoothies or for applesauce
  • Columns for apple pie or for snacking

Pre-freeze apple wedges

Everyone has washed, peeled, pitted and cut an apple at some point, so these steps do not need to be explained in detail here. Apple wedges are useful when an apple pie is to be conjured up in record time. The columns must be individually removable so that the assignment can be carried out quickly.

  1. Line a tray with baking paper.
  2. Spread the apple slices in a single layer without them touching each other.
  3. Put the tray in the freezer for several hours
  4. When the apple wedges are hard frozen, you can transfer them to a freezer can.

You can also use this method to pre-freeze pieces that look different to be used for an apple pie.


If you drizzle apple wedges with a little lemon juice after cutting, they will keep their light color.

Apple pieces that will be cooked later

Apple pieces that are processed into compote or puree after thawing can also be blanched before freezing. Sugar and a little lemon juice are added to the boiling water. This prevents the apple pieces from turning brown.

Freeze apple pieces in sugar solution

Thawed apple pieces are not exactly comparable with very fresh ones. If you still want to nibble on them, you can upgrade their taste before they are frozen.

  1. Boil 1 l of water with 300 g of sugar, if necessary you can prepare a smaller or a larger amount.
  2. Let the sugar solution cool completely while you prepare the apple pieces in the meantime.
  3. Divide the apple pieces into smaller containers.
  4. Pour in the sugar solution.
  5. Label the containers and then immediately place them in the freezer.

Thaw gently or not at all

The slower the frozen pieces thaw, the less mushy they become. Place the container in the refrigerator until the apple pieces are completely thawed. Then it should stand for about 30 minutes at room temperature so that the apple aroma can fully develop.

Apple pieces that are used for baking and cooking can be processed straight away when frozen.


Apples frozen raw remain tasty in the freezer for about six months. Apples in sugar solution can easily double the time.

Conclusion for quick readers:

  • Fruits: Process flawless apples without rotten spots and bruises
  • Types: All types; ideal are Granny Smith, Golden Delicius, and Gala
  • Preparation: washing; peel if necessary; core
  • Cutting: whole apple is too big; Divide into columns or pieces
  • Pre-freezing: distribute on a tablet; Pre-freeze in a few hours
  • Sugar water: boil 1 l water with 300 g sugar; Freeze apples in it
  • Thawing: Gently in the refrigerator; Cooking and baking with frozen pieces
  • Shelf life: Raw frozen apples: 6 months; in sugar water: 1 year

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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