If there is too much water, Zamioculcas will get yellow leaves

If there is too much water, Zamioculcas will get yellow leaves

Most common reason for yellow leaves: too much water

By far the most common reason for yellow leaves on the lucky feather is too much water. This damages the roots, causes roots and shoots to rot and ensures that the plant can no longer be supplied with sufficient moisture and nutrients - after all, the pathways are destroyed by the rot. Zamioculcas is a succulent plant, meaning it has the ability to store water in its fleshy stems and leaves for dry periods. For this reason, you should water the plant rather moderately and, above all, ensure good drainage.

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  • Zamioculcas gets brown leaves - causes and countermeasures
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Infestation with spider mites or the red spider

An infestation with spider mites can also lead to yellow leaves. These animals love a warm and dry climate - just like the Zamioculcas - and prefer to attack weakened plants that are no longer able to resist. Infection on the lucky feather is very rare (as diseases are rare), but not unlikely. At first, yellowish to brown spots appear on the infected areas, until finally the whole leaf turns yellow and eventually falls off.


If neither water nor spider mites are the cause of the yellow leaves, then a root damage caused by the last repotting or dividing of the plant could be the cause. In this case, usually only the affected shoot dies, all others remain healthy.