Cutting back strawberries - that's how it works

Cutting back strawberries - that's how it works

The best time for pruning is after the harvest

Immediately after the last strawberry has been harvested, the plant starts the vegetative process of preparation for winter. After a two to three week break, she begins to pull in the fiber from the leaves. These act as inhibitors inside the plant that prevent new bud formation. If you prune your strawberry plants in time, this process will be interrupted.

  • cut off all dead flowers
  • Cut back discolored leaves completely
  • only leave the selected offshoots on the plant for propagation

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The heart bud is spared from being pruned. The sole aim of this care measure is to prevent the migration of inhibitors from flowers and leaves into the interior of the plant.

Prune climbing strawberries courageously

Although strawberries do not have special adhesive organs, they can be trained to become climbing plants. If the long tendrils find support on a trellis right from the start through targeted tying, they thrive splendidly in the right location. Maintenance is done by hand without the hassle of bending over. Since this form of cultivation is not suitable for propagation through runners, cut back radically:

  • cut off all the tendrils at the end of the harvest season
  • Remove depleted leaves and dead flowers
  • all that remains is the heart bud

It is important to note that you do not give the strawberry plant time to absorb the inhibitors from the foliage. You should therefore use the short break after the harvest for pruning. After a successful winter, the climbing strawberries will sprout again next spring.

Do not cut off offshoots too early

The offshoots have a special status in this interaction. All runners chosen for reproduction remain on the mother plant until they have developed an independent root system. The vital tendrils need a certain time for this vegetative process. While part of the cuttings takes root in a buried pot, the nutrient supply should be ensured by the mother plant.

Only cut off the shoot if you feel strong resistance when pulling carefully. Use a sharp, disinfected knife to prevent the cut from fraying. If an offshoot extends beyond the propagation pot, you can cut off this section. It would use up unnecessary plant energy.

Tips & Tricks

Is it too difficult for you to cut low-growing ground cover strawberries with your back constantly bent? Then simply use the lawnmower to cut back after the harvest. The robust varieties will sprout reliably in the next year.