Can you cut blue fescue or not?

Can you cut blue fescue or not?

Basically, cutting back is not necessary

First of all: even if your garden center has recommended that you prune it every year, this is actually unnecessary, and in some cases even fatal. Many a gardener has already had the experience that the trimmed blue fescue has not been driven out again. However, this has nothing to do with the fact that the plant is generally not pruning, but rather with an unsuitable location. If the blue fescue does not feel comfortable in one place, the new shoots can simply fail to appear - or the winter-hardy plant freezes back in the cold season. If you want to be on the safe side, you shouldn't prune your blue fescue nests.

also read

  • Blue fescue is hardy
  • Blue fescue is not poisonous
  • Blue fescue - location, care, cutting

What to do if the blue fescue grass is lying down?

But what should be done if the blue fescue grass is full of yellow stalks after a long winter or, thanks to your own or the neighbors' cats, is lying flat? In this case, you can either allow a strong cut back or simply comb out the clumps vigorously with your hands. You can carefully pluck out yellow straws one by one and simply leave the rest to stand. Incidentally, a few sticks stuck into the eyrie help against cats, which make the nest no longer seem so cozy.

Radical pruning only in spring

However, if pruning is necessary - for example because the plant is infected with fungi - you should do this on a warm day in spring if possible. If, on the other hand, the blue fescue is cut back in autumn, you weaken the plant further. Incidentally, mowing (e.g. with a lawn mower) is not advisable, even if you have planted a larger area with blue fescue grass as a lawn substitute.


If the blue fescue grass feels very comfortable in one location, it tends to sow itself. To prevent this, you should remove the flowers that appear in June / July after they have withered.