The Brazil nut - nut with the highest selenium content

The Brazil nut - nut with the highest selenium content

How much selenium does the Brazil nut contain?

100 grams of Brazil nuts contain 1.9 milligrams of selenium. No edible plant has such a high selenium content.

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  • What do Brazil nuts and pecans have in common?
  • Brazil nuts are not poisonous, they are very healthy!
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Selenium is one of the antioxidants that protect the body's cells from free radicals. These penetrate into body cells and are considered to be one of the most important causes of cancer.

The selenium prevents the cell from degenerating. Scientific studies indicate that the trace element acts as protection against nerve diseases such as multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's.

Two nuts cover the daily requirement

According to experts, consuming just a few nuts covers the daily requirement of an adult.

If you put a few Brazil nuts on the menu three to four times a week, you will optimally supply your body with the important trace element.

Brazil nuts are very high in fat

Brazil nuts are not only popular because of their high selenium content. They contain a number of substances that the human body needs in order to maintain its functions.

The fat content is very high at 66.4 grams per 100 grams of Brazil nuts, only pecans contain more fat. However, it is mainly the healthy unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

100 grams of Brazil nuts add 660 calories. People who suffer from obesity or are on a diet should therefore only consume Brazil nuts in very small quantities.

What else the Brazil nut contains besides selenium and fat

  • Fiber
  • sodium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • Calcium
  • iron
  • zinc
  • Vitamins C, B6, B12, E

Mold growth on Brazil nuts

The kernels of the Brazil nut are eaten raw. It takes some effort to remove them from the extremely hard shell. That is why the nuts are often already shelled and polished.

Unfortunately, there is a risk that dangerous molds will form on the nuts, which are harmful to health and can cause poisoning.

It is therefore better to only buy unpeeled Brazil nuts and only crack them shortly before consumption. Shelled nuts must be consumed as soon as possible.

Pay attention to the taste

The high fat content of Brazil nuts can cause the nuts to go rancid quickly. This can be recognized by a bad smell.

Rancid nuts taste very unpleasant. Fresh, healthy Brazil nuts have a sweet, nutty aroma.

Brazil nuts that taste or smell strange must not be eaten, but belong in the rubbish bin.

Tips & Tricks

In contrast to hazelnuts and many other types of nuts, Brazil nuts rarely cause allergies. However, if you feel a burning sensation on your tongue or swell when you eat it, you are one of those people who are allergic to Brazil nuts.
