Valuable tips on how to properly repot the anthurium

Valuable tips on how to properly repot the anthurium

Which substrate is suitable

In nature, anthuriums thrive both on the ground in the shade of large trees and as epiphytes. Accordingly, they love loose, air-permeable and relatively acidic substrates. Meets these requirements:

  • commercial orchid soil
  • Peat growing medium (low in nutrients, use this requires more frequent fertilization).
  • Mixture of compost soil, peat and sand
  • Commercially available potting soil, which you loosen up with styrofoam balls or clay granules.

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The pot size

Flamingo flowers do not form a large root ball, but grow out of a fleshy rhizome. Accordingly, the plants do not need very large vessels. When repotting young anthuriums, all you need is a pot that is only one size larger than the previous one. Older plants are no longer moved at all. It is sufficient for them to replace the substrate once a year.

The repotting

Be very careful not to damage the easily broken roots. First loosen the plant from the planter by kneading it or with a very sharp knife that you run along the inside of the pot.

  • Cover the drain hole of the new pot with a pottery shard.
  • Fill in a two to three centimeter thick drainage layer made of expanded clay (€ 17.50 at Amazon *) or gravel.
  • Add about half of the potting soil.
  • Lift the anthurium out of the old pot.
  • Carefully remove the used substrate.
  • Place in the new pot and fill in the remaining gaps with soil.
  • Pouring on.

Since it is difficult to press on coarse substrate, you put the pot firmly on several times. This compresses the earth and you can refill it if necessary.


Make absolutely sure not to insert the flamingo flower deeper than before. The plant is extremely sensitive to this.