From bud to flower

From bud to flower

The buds are also known as eyes in fruit growing. A distinction is made depending on the location and content

  • Side or terminal buds,
  • Leaf or flower buds.

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The flower buds of the kiwi fruit form on the wood of the previous year. With some kiwi species, you can already tell from the number of buds whether they are male or female flowers. The male plants of Actinidia arguta usually produce more than six flower buds per fruit shoot, while the female plants usually only have half as many buds. The male plants of Actinidia kolomikta can be recognized by their white or pink leaf tips.

Male and female flowers

If the kiwi plant you bought as a female is blooming but not fruiting, then it is probably a male kiwi. The flowers of the male and female kiwis are easy to distinguish. While the male flower only has yellow stamens in its center, the female flower also contains the white style in the middle, around which yellow stamens are arranged.


The kiwis are dioecious plants. Only female plants can bear fruit. However, fruits can only develop from their flowers if a male plant, which is necessary for fertilization, also grows near them. One male plant is enough to fertilize six to nine female shrubs.

There are many cultivars with hermaphrodite flowers available on the market, e.g. B. Jenny or Issai, on which male and female organs unite in one flower. These are self-fertile and do not depend on pollinator plants. However, it is advisable to plant a pollinator in the immediate vicinity for better yields, even with the self-fertilizing varieties.

Tips & Tricks

The kiwi plants available in stores are grafted and bloom as early as 3-4 years.