Freezing radish - this only works after cooking

Freezing radish - this only works after cooking

Freezing is unusual

Radish is eaten raw in this country. Especially in the south of the country, it is often served fresh and crisp in beer gardens. In addition, due to the numerous summer and winter varieties, the radish season is quite long overall. If one variety is no longer freshly available, you can easily switch to another.

also read

  • Radish is in season all year round
  • Store radish - this will keep it firm and crisp for longer
  • Sow radish correctly: the timing depends on the variety

Do not freeze raw radish

Radish is one of those vegetables that contain a lot of water. As a result, the vegetables are extremely low in calories and yet tasty. However, such a high water content is disadvantageous for freezing. At sub-zero temperatures, the water in the cells expands and they burst. The result is: mushy radish that simply no longer tastes good.


Spring and summer varieties can only be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. Black winter radish, on the other hand, can be stored for months. It is an alternative for anyone who misses the raw radish taste after freezing.

Freeze radish cooked

If the radish is cooked through, however, it can be frozen well. To do this, the peel is removed, cut and cooked to completion. The radish pieces must be completely cooled before freezing. Freezing as a method of preservation is suitable for many types of radish. These are:

  • White radish
  • Black radish
  • Red radish
  • Chinese radish

Dishes with radish content

Because of its spiciness, the radish is often only added to a dish in small quantities and together with other cooking ingredients. In the case of a fully cooked meal with a radish portion, the question arises whether leftover leftovers can be frozen. That's fine. Since the radish is cooked, all of the food can be frozen. Unless there are other reasons against it.


Since the radish comes in the freezer fully cooked, it should be used within three months. Longer storage is not recommended because the time has a negative impact on the consistency and taste. This also applies to frozen foods that contain radish.

For information: You can recognize spoiled vegetables by their red-brown or white discoloration.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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