Maintain and cut the velvet hydrangea

Maintain and cut the velvet hydrangea

Plant velvet hydrangea correctly

The starting shot for planting is given by placing the root ball in a bucket filled with rainwater. Then rake the bedding soil thoroughly and create a planting pit 1.5 times the height and twice the width of the root ball. Fill the pit with rhododendron soil or a mix of garden soil, bog bed substrate and compost. How to proceed:

  • Pot the velvet hydrangea and plant it as deep as you did before
  • Pour on and mulch ferns, grass clippings, leaves or pine needles

also read

  • Velvet hydrangea - take proper care of the attractive wild hydrangea
  • Velvet hydrangea - an elegant shrub for partially shaded garden areas
  • Do not prune the velvet hydrangea annually

If you form a 10 centimeter high watering edge, the fur hydrangea can better utilize water and rain water.

Care tips

The velvet hydrangea permanently evaporates moisture through the up to 35 centimeters long leaves and countless flowers. In addition, the flowering wood consumes large amounts of plant energy. Therefore, focus your attention on these aspects of care:

  • Check the soil daily and water immediately if it is dry
  • Preferably apply collected rainwater or pond water directly to the roots
  • From March to the end of August fertilize with deciduous or coniferous compost
  • Alternatively, apply a slow release fertilizer for hydrangeas in March

Before winter, cover the tree slice thickly with leaves, straw and coniferous twigs. So that the buds that have already been created do not freeze to death, wrap the branches in felt, jute or breathable garden fleece. The withered flowers should ideally be left on the bush until March so that the pruning can be carried out in good time before the new shoots.

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Which location is suitable?

In the partially shaded location, spoiled by the morning or evening sun, the velvet hydrangea thrives in immaculate beauty. Avoid a location in the shade because there is only a poor flower here. The elegant hydrangea should be saved from blazing midday sun.

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The correct planting distance

The velvet hydrangea likes to socialize with other hydrangea species or rhododendrons. In order to determine the adequate planting distance, halve the expected growth width. If you settle the fur hydrangea on the edge of the property, the distance to the neighbor should be 1 meter and more.

What soil does the plant need?

Rich in nutrients, poor in lime - these are the central requirements for the perfect soil for a velvet hydrangea. A sufficient moisture content without the risk of waterlogging is of similar relevance. If in doubt, check the pH value of the soil using a test kit from a hardware store or garden center. A result between 4.5 and 5.5 is considered ideal.

What is the best time to plant?

The time window for successful planting opens twice a year. Put the velvet hydrangea in the ground in April / May or September / October to provide the ornamental wood with the best starting conditions.

When is the flowering time?

The flowering time of a velvet hydrangea extends over the summer months. Under normal weather conditions, it presents its brilliant flowers from June to September.

Cut the velvet hydrangea correctly

The velvet hydrangea sets the buds for the next flowering in the previous year. We therefore recommend leaving the withered flowers on the bush for a while as natural winter protection. In March, cut off everything that has faded and at the same time thoroughly thin out the shrub. If the wood grows over your head, there is nothing against cautious pruning immediately after flowering or in early spring. However, the abundance of flowers is likely to be a bit leaner in the following season.

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Water the velvet hydrangea

The water balance of a velvet hydrangea should not be tilted, either in one or the other direction. So check the soil every 1-2 days with a thumb test and water when the surface is dry. However, it should not be exaggerated, because the fur hydrangea does not want to be confronted with waterlogging. Ideally, pour lime-free rainwater or stale tap water directly on the roots.

Fertilize velvet hydrangea properly

Pamper the velvet hydrangea every 2-3 weeks from March to September with deciduous or coniferous compost and horn shavings. (€ 6.39 at Amazon *) You can choose to fertilize with a special preparation for hydrangeas, which, due to its depot effect, is only administered once in March.


The stable winter hardiness of a velvet hydrangea is only established over the years. Therefore, before the first frost, spread a thick layer of leaves over the roots, covered with fir fronds. Since the wood goes into the cold season with already established buds, wrap the branches with jute ribbons or put a felt sack over them.

Velvet hydrangea propagate

Propagating the velvet hydrangea yourself is fun and easy on the wallet. How good that there are several methods to choose from, which are easy to carry out:

  • Cut head cuttings in June / July, defoliate except for 2 leaves and let them root in peat sand
  • Pull the sinker to the ground, dig in the middle part, form the tip on a wooden stick and maintain it until the next year

The division of the root ball is also possible. To do this, dig up the fur hydrangea in spring or autumn, cut the roots in half and plant each segment in the new location.

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How do I transplant properly?

The best date for a change of location is in autumn. Since the velvet hydrangea does not immediately have to pull itself up to flowering again in the following period, you can do the following on an overcast, mild day in August or September:

  • Cut off the root ball all around in the radius of the growth height
  • Dig up the fur hydrangea so that as much soil as possible sticks to it

At the new location, the planting pit is first watered in order to plant the shrub just as deep as before. Then water again and spread a 5 cm high layer of mulch.

Velvet hydrangea in a pot

Since a velvet hydrangea takes on imposing dimensions of up to 3 meters, paired with a rapid growth rate, we advise against cultivation in pots. Slender plate hydrangeas and delicate varieties of farmer's hydrangeas are much more suitable for planters.

Yellow leaves

With yellow leaves, the velvet hydrangea signals a lack of nutrients caused by calcareous soil. A typical symptom of this leaf chlorosis are the still green veins that run through the yellowed leaves. From now on you should only water with soft water and fertilize with a special iron fertilizer for the rest of the season.

The most beautiful varieties

  • Macrophylla: the variety stretches up to 3.50 meters towards the sky, covered with countless flowers in purple and white
  • Hot Chocolate: This velvet hydrangea owes its name to its chocolate-brown young shoots
  • Kawakami: impresses with its upright growth up to 2 meters and pink flowers with a white wreath