Crossandra fortuna (tapir flower) is not poisonous

Crossandra fortuna (tapir flower) is not poisonous

Crossandra fortuna is not poisonous

The Crossandra fortuna is one of those houseplants that you can safely keep. It is not poisonous and therefore also suitable for households with small children and pets.

You do not have to exercise any caution when cutting or other maintenance work, as it does not contain any toxic substances in any part of the plant.

It prefers a very bright, not directly sunny position in the room. Only in winter does she like a place where there is occasional sunshine.


The Crossandra fortuna is considered to be very easy to care for. It is therefore well suited for beginners. It is not hardy and does not tolerate temperatures below 18 degrees. In winter it is placed a little cooler, watered little and no longer fertilized.