How to care for your sky bamboo - tips and tricks

How to care for your sky bamboo - tips and tricks

Plant the sky bamboo

The unfortunately poisonous sky bamboo grows in the sun and in partial shade. If it gets little light, its bloom will suffer. Therefore, plant it in a rather sunny place. The soil can be humus to sandy, but not too rich in lime.

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The sacred bamboo makes a very good specimen plant. Give it enough space so that it can develop its full potential. But the sky bamboo is also very decorative in a bucket. Unfortunately it is poisonous.

Water and fertilize the sacred bamboo

The sacred bamboo would like to be watered regularly, but also does not tolerate waterlogging. It is best to always water it when the top soil layer has dried slightly and not too much at once.

Since the sky bamboo does not like lime either, you should preferably use rainwater for watering, or at least tap water with little lime. The fertilizer should also be as low in lime as possible. Fertilize your sacred bamboo about every two weeks from spring through fall.

The sky bamboo in winter

The sacred bamboo is only partially hardy. For a short period of time it can withstand frost down to around -10 ° C, some varieties even down to -15 ° C. It is therefore only allowed to hibernate outdoors in a mild region or sheltered location.

It is safer to put the sky bamboo in a cold house over the winter. This can be a greenhouse or an unheated winter garden, for example. This is especially true for a sacred bamboo in a tub or planter.

The best care tips for sky bamboo:

  • Location: sun or light shade
  • sandy to humus soil
  • blooms less abundantly in the shade
  • Low-lime soil as possible
  • Water regularly as soon as the top soil layer has dried
  • Use water with little lime or rainwater
  • only overwinter outside in a mild climate
  • Hibernate potted plants in a cold house


The very decorative sky bamboo does not lose its leaves in winter, they remain on the bush in the most beautiful autumn color.