Correct planting distance for strawberries - an overview

Correct planting distance for strawberries - an overview

The correct planting distance in the bed

Hobby gardeners traditionally plant their strawberries in the garden. Here they either assign the plants their own bed or settle them in mixed culture. Since in allotment gardens every square centimeter of cultivation area is usually limited, the optimal planting distance is always of interest. These distances have proven themselves:

  • Large varieties like 'Sweet Mary': 30-45 cm
  • Small-grown varieties, such as the wild strawberry: 20-25 cm
  • Ground cover: 4-5 plants per square meter

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The row spacing is ideally 60 cm so that you have enough space to care for your strawberry plants.

Keep a distance when shadows are cast

Since strawberries are considered friendly neighbors for numerous crops, hobby gardeners like to plant them in mixed cultures. When measuring the distance, it is important to take into account the individual circumstances. The sun-loving strawberry plants must never get under the shade of their surroundings. In bed communities with lilies of the valley or marigolds, this aspect requires less attention than in the vicinity of French beans or leeks.

Here, the gap is allowed to shrink

When growing strawberries in raised beds, a permanently bent back when planting and caring for them is a thing of the past. In addition, this form of cultivation scores with an extremely effective use of the bedding area. Especially in raised beds with arched soil, the average plant spacing can be shortened by at least 5 centimeters.

The correct planting distance on the balcony

Strawberries thrive in a planter on a sun-drenched balcony. Since hobby gardeners do not want to waste space here, the following distances should be maintained:

  • Hanging strawberries in the traffic light: 25-30 cm
  • Wild strawberries in the balcony box: 15-20 cm
  • Large-fruited strawberry varieties in a flower box: 25-30 cm

If you prefer the cultivation of climbing strawberries in a plant box with an integrated trellis, a planting distance of 25-30 centimeters is also recommended.

Tips & Tricks

A creatively laid out kitchen garden cannot do without pretty bed borders. Instead of the classic box frame, resourceful hobby gardeners plant monthly strawberries here. The tame relatives of the wild strawberries hardly form runners, bloom almost all summer long and produce a fruity harvest.