Are brown flowers normal on a single leaf?

Are brown flowers normal on a single leaf?

Keeping flowers fresh for a long time with the right care

This process is completely normal, after all, every flower has bloomed at some point. However, there are a few things you can do to extend the lifespan of each individual flower - with the right care, it will look fresh longer. To this end

  • Under no circumstances should the leaf stand in the blazing sun.
  • Move the plant away from the window and in a darker place.
  • Although the single leaf, which comes from the tropics, likes warmth,
  • but this must not be dry: keep the humidity high.
  • The room temperatures should not be too high either.
  • Between 20 and a maximum of 25 ° C are optimal for the single sheet.
  • Also, keep the substrate slightly damp, but not wet
  • and fertilize the plant regularly with a fertilizer for flowering houseplants.
  • Under no circumstances should you water with hard tap water!
  • Decalcified water or collected rainwater are best.

also read

  • Green flowers on the single leaf - often a lack of light is the cause
  • Single leaf has brown leaves or leaf spots, what to do?
  • Why does the single leaf have brown tips?

Remove any that has faded with scissors

If the Spathiphyllum has finally withered, cut off the withered shoot just above the substrate surface. Normal scissors are sufficient for this, but they should be clean and disinfected. Continue to take good care of the single leaf and wait for it to bloom again.


The single leaf can be fertilized very well with dried coffee grounds - this stimulates the formation of flowers.