Caution: Zamioculcas is slightly poisonous

Caution: Zamioculcas is slightly poisonous

Zamioculcas slightly toxic to humans and animals

The lucky feather belongs to the arum family and as such - like so many members of this family - is poisonous. All parts of the plant contain calcium oxalate and oxalic acid, which on contact with the skin or mucous membranes lead to redness and swelling as well as a burning sensation. Both humans and pets react to these toxic components.

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  • Zamioculcas is poisonous to cats
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Medical treatment for symptoms of intoxication is rarely necessary

However, the poisonous effect of the lucky feather starts immediately and lasts only for a very short time. If a child or pet tries to eat parts of the plant, the burning and bitter mouthfeel will make them stop eating. For this reason, serious poisoning with Zamioculcas is not yet known. Problems can only arise if the sap comes into contact with the eyes. In this case, rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean water. A doctor's visit is usually only necessary if the discomfort persists for a long time.


In order to protect yourself from the poisonous plant sap, you should wear gloves as a precaution when handling the lucky feather (for example when repotting and separating leaf stems) and thoroughly wash any skin parts that have come into contact with the leaf sap.