Verträgt ein Zitronenbaum Frost?

Verträgt ein Zitronenbaum Frost?

Zitronenbaum ist nicht winterhart

Die klassischen Zitronensorten (Citrus limon) sind weder winter- noch frosthart und sollten daher ausnahmslos im Wintergarten, im Gewächshaus oder in einem geeigneten Zimmer überwintern. Dabei gibt es allerdings mehr oder weniger empfindliche Sorten. Die Meyer-Zitrone ist die wahrscheinlich am weitesten verbreitete Zitrone als Kübelpflanze. Citrus limon “Meyer” ist klimatisch wesentlich unempfindlicher als jede andere Zitrone. Temperaturen bis etwa minus 5 °C sind kein Problem, wenn sie in Winterruhe ist.

Lesen Sie auch

  • Zitronenbaum - winterhart oder nicht?
  • Ein Zitronenbaum im Garten sorgt für mediterranes Flair
  • Kann sich ein Zitronenbaum in Deutschland wohl fühlen?

Beschreibung der frostharten Meyer-Zitrone

The growth of the Meyer lemon is bushier than that of other lemons. The flowers often appear profuse. The plant is not as susceptible to leaf loss in winter. When fully ripe, the orange-colored, relatively round fruits with a very thin, soft skin taste more tart than you would expect from lemons. But even the rather undemanding Meyer lemon should not be planted in the garden, but should be wintered as cool as possible.

Optimal temperatures for wintering lemons

Lemon trees are best overwintered in as bright and dry a location as possible with average temperatures between around five to ten ° C. In this case, the plants are in hibernation and require significantly less light and water than in the growing season. Due to the lack of light in winter, lemons should be put into hibernation if possible, otherwise additional light-emitting plant lamps should be installed. The vegetation phase begins at permanent temperatures above 15 ° C.

Frosty bitter lemon

In contrast to the “normal” lemon varieties, the bitter lemon Citrus trifoliata (also Poncirus trifoliata) is frost-hardy up to temperatures of down to minus 25 ° C. Due to the typical three-part leaf, the up to three meters high and heavily thorn bush is also known as the “three-leaved orange”. The bitter lemon is the only citrus that sheds its leaves in autumn. The relatively large, paper-like flowers do not smell. The fruits of the bitter lemon are inedible due to the high proportion of bitter substances. The plant is suitable as a pretty ornamental shrub in the garden and, because of its robustness, is also the best base for cultivating lemons and other citrus plants in pots.

Tips & Tricks

Citranges (crosses of oranges and bitter lemons) were also bred as robust, virus-resistant grafting stocks. These varieties are also often frost-hardy and are ideal as an ornamental shrub in the garden, unless you really want to harvest tasty lemons.