It doesn't work without a planting plan for the vegetable patch

It doesn't work without a planting plan for the vegetable patch

Step 1: which vegetables do you want to grow?

Not everyone loves green beans or peeling beetroot. Therefore, the first step in the growing plan is to think about which vegetables to plant in the coming year.

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Also include the size of the bed in this planning. It makes more sense to grow fewer varieties, but of these in sufficient quantities for family needs.

Step 2: Pay attention to crop rotation

The crop rotation is crucial, you don't want to drain the soil unnecessarily. Therefore divide the planned plants into the following groups:

  • Heavy Eater
  • Central Eater
  • Weak eaters.

The heavy consumers

These have a particularly high nitrogen requirement. Usually these are summer vegetables such as peppers, cabbage or tomatoes.

The middle eaters

They have a medium nutrient requirement and are placed in the second year in the place where the heavy eaters were cultivated in the previous year. Middle eaters are, for example, spinach, garlic or onions.

The weak eaters

These require relatively few nutrients or even partially supply the soil with nitrogen again in the third year. They ensure that the substrate can recover. They include many herbs, but also beans and peas.

Green manure

Green manure is often neglected in the vegetable garden because there is not enough space. However, it makes sense because it attracts beneficial insects such as bees, bumblebees, butterflies and other insects.

Note mixed cultures

When drawing up the growing plan, consider sensible mixed crops. Certain vegetables grown side by side will support each other's growth and reward your horticultural effort with higher yields.


If you are unsure about the soil quality in your vegetable garden, it can be useful to have a soil sample examined. You then know exactly which trace elements are missing and can fertilize very specifically.