Sour cherries: just tasty or also healthy?

Sour cherries: just tasty or also healthy?

A vital substance cocktail

Sour cherries are a pure vital substance cocktail. They are rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins and polyphenols. In terms of minerals, they pile up with potassium and calcium. The trace element content of magnesium, zinc and iron is not to be despised. In addition, the high content of folic acid and vitamin C speaks for the consumption of sour cherries.

also read

  • Just like in grandma’s time: preserving sour cherries
  • Freezing sour cherries - instructions and valuable tips
  • Sour cherries: what types are there?

How do the sour cherries work in the body?

Especially the deep dark red to black varieties are full to the brim with iron and polyphenols. A glass of freshly squeezed sour cherry juice is therefore ideal to refresh the iron content in the body.

Since tart cherries contain melatonin, which acts as a hormone in the body, they help with sleep problems that occur particularly in old age. They are also said to have the following effects:

  • diuretic
  • blood purifying
  • anti-inflammatory
  • immune system strengthening
  • digestive
  • dehydrating
  • antioxidant
  • soothing

The special importance of polyphenols

Nutritionists particularly emphasize the high content of polyphenols in sour cherries. They are also known as anthocyanins. Experiments have shown, for example, that these substances block tumor development in mice or destroy cancer cells in the colon in humans.

In which form is the sour cherry the healthiest?

It is best to eat the fresh sour cherries straight from the garden. You can snack on them in between meals, add them to fruit salads and desserts such as ice cream dishes, or squeeze juices out of them. Processing by pasteurization is not recommended. Heating the sour cherries destroys a large part of the polyphenols and vitamins they contain.

You should also harvest the sour cherries when they are fully ripe. Then they have the highest content of vital substances. If you can't eat the masses of cherries, dry them or freeze them.

Tips & Tricks

In addition to the fruits, the leaves, flowers, fruit stalks and the resin of the sour cherry are edible and healthy. The fruit stalks, for example, have an expectorant and antioxidant effect when you pour them into tea.