Would you like a touch of the exotic? - How to grow a tangerine tree yourself

Would you like a touch of the exotic? - How to grow a tangerine tree yourself

Propagate the mandarin tree by seeds

If you want to grow a tangerine tree yourself, all you need first of all is a tangerine bought in the supermarket. When buying, make sure to get the right kind of mandarins, because satsumas or clementines usually contain little or no seeds. “Real” mandarins, on the other hand, always contain some seeds that you remove from the pulp at home. Clean the kernels from the pulp, place them on a dry kitchen towel and let them dry in the sun for about a week.

also read

  • How to plant a tangerine tree
  • Properly prune a mandarin tree
  • Hibernate the mandarin tree properly

Plant the seed core

You can bridge the waiting time by shopping for growing containers and potting soil. An indoor greenhouse is also very suitable for growing the seedlings. Now fill the growing vessels with soil and put the mandarin kernels in there. Always use a spray bottle to keep the soil moist, but never wet. The potty should be in a bright and warm place. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. The core will germinate within four to six weeks.

Maintain the mandarin seedling

The young mandarin plant should only be repotted when its growing container has been completely rooted. If that is the case, take a sufficiently large (but not too large) plant pot and first fill in a layer of expanded clay (€ 17.50 on Amazon *) or lava quarry and then special citrus earth. The plant is placed there and always kept slightly moist.

Pull the mandarin tree from a cutting

If you already have an older mandarin tree, you can propagate it with cuttings. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Select a head cutting about 10 centimeters long, which is cut below the leaf knot.
  • Defoliate the lower part of the cutting, there should only be two to a maximum of three leaves left.
  • Dip the end of the cut in rooting powder.
  • Put the cutting in a growing container with nutrient-poor growing soil.
  • Put a plastic bag over it.
  • Keep the soil evenly moist.

After a few weeks the cutting will take root. You can recognize this by the fact that fresh shoots are showing on the plant.

Tips & Tricks

Mandarins are quite delicate. They cannot tolerate excessive dryness, wetness, cold or even drafts. Nevertheless, you should put your mandarin tree out in a sheltered place in summer, because only then will it develop flowers and thus fruits.