White spots on the oleander are often scale insects

White spots on the oleander are often scale insects

Plant lice on the oleander

As beautiful as an oleander that has grown lush and covered with delicate flowers is, it has one disadvantage: the plant almost attracts certain diseases and pests and basically no oleander is spared from a louse invasion or other harm. A dotted white coating mainly on the underside of the leaves, for example, is often an indication of plant lice. Scale insects in particular feel very comfortable on oleanders, but mealybugs and mealy bugs can also be found occasionally. If, on the other hand, the white coating is large and can be wiped off, it is often powdery mildew, a fungal infection that is quite easy to fight.

also read

  • Effectively control scale insects on oleander
  • Oleander shows brown spots - what can be done now?
  • Black spots on the oleander have various causes

Common causes: Inadequate or improper care

Oleander is very susceptible to scale insect infestation, but with proper care and location you can prevent such problems. In particular, plants that are weakened by incorrect or insufficient care are attacked because they can no longer defend themselves. So take care of your oleander

  • to water regularly and sufficiently
  • to fertilize regularly and sufficiently
  • Repot in fresh substrate once a year
  • cut back once a year
  • leave outside as long as possible in winter
  • and get it out as early as possible.
  • To winter bright and cool.
  • To be placed in a sunny and warm location,
  • which, however, is easily drafty at best.

By following these tips, you will strengthen your plant and make plant lice infestation less likely.

Successfully fight annoying animals

Once the scale insects are there, you need to control them quickly and effectively. Otherwise, they will not only spread heavily on the infected plant and damage it, but will also spread to neighboring plants. The fight can be done in three steps:

  • Cut back severely affected shoots and leave no stumps.
  • Treat the leftover plant parts with rapeseed oil or soft soap
  • or put a specialized means of spraying or pouring.
  • Pesticides given by watering tend to have a longer lasting effect.
  • Since double is sometimes better, you can also pour and spray.


In addition to plant lice, spider mites can also be the cause of the white spots on the oleander leaves.