Skillfully cut Monstera - what you can and cannot shorten

Skillfully cut Monstera - what you can and cannot shorten

Pruning Instructions - How to Shorten Monstera

As climbing plants, Monstera develop long shoots on which the imposing leaves and aerial roots thrive. Spurred on by your loving care, the majestic decorative foliage plants sometimes stretch up to the ceiling. With this cut you shorten the window leaf to the appropriate size:

  • The best time is in early spring between February and April
  • Put on gloves to protect against the poisonous sap
  • Use sharp, disinfected scissors to cut back shoots that are too long by up to two thirds

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The ideal interface is just above a leaf axil. In this way, the fresh shoot and further branching are supported. We recommend removing a climbing aid beforehand. Then tie the shortened tendrils to it again, which ensures even distribution and harmonious growth.

Use head shoots as cuttings

Does it break your heart to dispose of healthy, vital clippings? Then use the shoots as ideal material for propagation. Any shoot with 1 to 2 leaves and at least one aerial root is suitable for this purpose. For the rooting, put it in a glass with water or put it in potting soil.

Do not prune back active aerial roots

The aerial roots function equally as adhesive organs and supply lines on the climbing window leaf. You should therefore only shorten a firm, active aerial root in exceptional cases. This applies, for example, in the event that she wants to anchor herself cheekily behind the baseboards. Only when a root strand has completely dried up and dead can you cut it back to the roots.


The name window leaf does not imply that the exotic houseplant should be in a full sun window seat on the south side of the house. A bright location at the east or west window is much better suited to the wishes of your Monstera. Shade should be provided on the summer balcony at lunchtime.