Planting cocktail tomatoes properly in the hobby garden

Planting cocktail tomatoes properly in the hobby garden

When is the planting time for cocktail tomatoes?

Native to South America, cocktail tomatoes only thrive at temperatures of 13-15 degrees Celsius. A level of 20 to 24 degrees Celsius is ideal. Therefore, the starting shot for the planting time in our regions after the ice saints will be from mid-May.

also read

  • Really skinned cocktail tomatoes - or not
  • Cocktail tomatoes deliver a rich harvest on the balcony
  • Round, small, spicy and sweet - delicious cocktail tomato varieties

Can cocktail tomatoes tolerate a partially shaded location?

All types of tomatoes are true sun worshipers. Cocktail tomatoes only take up a place in partial shade during cultivation on the windowsill and for hardening before planting out in the open. The baby tomatoes deliver rich harvests only in sunny locations with a slight breeze from time to time. Rain protection is essential at the location, either under a tomato roof or in a greenhouse.

What is important when it comes to planting?

In addition to the sunny light conditions, the condition of the soil is also important at the selected location. The soil should be rich in nutrients, interspersed with busy microorganisms, fresh and slightly calcareous. Corresponding to this, nutritious vegetable soil on a compost basis can be used as a pail substrate. In view of such ideal conditions, planting cocktail tomatoes is easy:

  • Create small pits in the bed at a planting distance of 60-80 centimeters
  • Spread a drainage out of potsherds in the bucket or balcony box
  • Insert young plants just below the first pair of leaves
  • Install a climbing aid without damaging the root ball
  • water abundantly without wetting the foliage
  • ideally, mulch with grass clippings, nettle leaves or straw

When does the harvest season for cocktail tomatoes begin?

If the weather cooperates, the harvest time for cocktail tomatoes begins at the end of July / beginning of August. With a little luck, you can enjoy juicy, sweet mini tomatoes until October. It is essential to ensure that the fruits are completely colored. If cocktail tomatoes are still green, they contain poisonous solanine.

Tips & Tricks

Cocktail tomatoes are not only undemanding in terms of planting. Thanks to their bushy, stable growth, they save the hobby gardener the time-consuming pruning.