Draw offshoots from the dragon tree yourself

Draw offshoots from the dragon tree yourself

Reasons for propagation by cuttings

As a rule, dragon trees rarely bloom because certain factors such as a certain age of the plant, a cooler temperature and a certain degree of drought must prevail for them to flower. This not only makes propagation via the seeds of the plant tedious, but also difficult. Material for cuttings can also arise on its own in the dragon tree, for example if it is not in a bright spot in the apartment. Then the plant tends to develop a long and relatively bare “trunk” as it tries to stretch out in the light of day. With the pruning of the dragon tree and the simultaneous production of cuttings, you achieve a more compact and sometimes more branched growth form of the plants.

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Choose the right time and take care of the mother plant properly

So that the cut head and trunk cuttings get enough light and warmth during the root formation phase, propagation should take place in summer if possible. Use a sharp knife or, even better, well-sharpened secateurs to cleanly cut the stem of the plant with a straight cut. The cut cuttings should be 20 to 30 centimeters long if possible. Usually there are only several levels of leaves at the top of the dragon tree anyway. If your cutting is rather tightly cut, it may be advisable to remove some of the lower leaves for successful rooting. You can protect the interface on the mother plant from invading germs with some charcoal dust or a layer of wax dripped onto it.until a few weeks later new shoots have formed below the drying stem tip.

The cuttings want to be placed correctly

So that the still rootless cuttings can form roots in peace, they should not be placed in the blazing sun if possible. In general, the dragon tree should never be in full sun all day, as this can lead to sunburn and brown leaves. Like the rooted specimens, offshoots of the dragon tree also appreciate high humidity or regular spraying of the leaves with water. If the cuttings are to form roots in the water, a light-tight container should be selected in which the water should be changed every few days. The cuttings can also be put directly into suitable soil.

Creative ideas for dragon tree breeding

In the propagation of dragon trees, you can also let your creativity run wild. For example, the following design ideas are available:

  • Plant cuttings of different dragon tree varieties in a pot
  • Arrange cuttings of different lengths as a “dragon tree ensemble”
  • intertwine long, straight cuttings with the stems


Special rooting hormones are not necessary for the dragon tree to reproduce, as it reliably forms roots after three to four weeks. It can be advantageous if you let the cuttings dry out for about 24 hours before they come into the water or the soil.