Properly mowing the lawn

Properly mowing the lawn

How often do you mow the lawn?

The frequency of lawn mowing depends on the time of year. After all, grass is a plant like any other that adapts to the seasons in its growth cycle. In early summer the grass shoots up in a very short time, while growth slows down towards autumn and finally stops completely in winter. Accordingly, the lawn should be mowed at least once a week during the strong growth phase from May to June, depending on the growth, even mowing twice may not hurt. In the hot summer months, mowing the lawn every week to two weeks is sufficient.

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Frequent lawn mowing strengthens the grass plants. The lawn can then compact better and keep wild herbs in check.

The right cutting height

The correct cutting height depends on the type of lawn and whether it is in the sun or in the shade. A lawn should have a cutting height of 3 to 5 cm. Ornamental lawn, on the other hand, is usually kept at 2 to 4 cm. If you cut the lawn too low, it can damage the lawn. A very short lawn requires a lot of maintenance and needs to be watered regularly. A lawn that is too short can be damaged by heat and burns. However, if it is too high, there is a risk of moss formation. In addition, wild herbs then have the chance to spread.

Like other plants, lawns need sunlight to photosynthesize and grow. The lawn absorbs sunlight through its leaves. Lawn that is in the shade should therefore be left at least 5 centimeters in order to be able to catch the necessary sunlight.

What to do with a tall lawn

Time has run out again, it's mid-May, the lawn is in full glory and has not yet been mowed? In this case, avoid radical solutions. Do not trim the lawn from 15 centimeters in height to 2 centimeters of ornamental lawn. The shock for the plants would actually be too great. If too much lawn is cut off at once, the grass plants put all their energy into vertical growth. Few side shoots are formed and the lawn becomes less dense. Stick to the rule of thumb: Always shorten tall lawns by a maximum of 1/3 and then bring the lawn to the desired height in a second or third pass, leaving the lawn a little break in between.

When to mow the lawn?

Whenever possible, lawns should not be mowed when they are wet. When dry, the cutting blades of the lawnmower can grip the blades of grass better and the plants are less damaged. As for the time of year, the lawn should be mowed in the spring as soon as it starts growing again. In autumn, the last mowing process should be carried out in November so that the lawn is well prepared for winter.

The times for mowing the lawn are regulated in Germany. The times have been readjusted since 2008 and now follow an EU directive. The times for mowing the lawn are now regulated in the 32nd Federal Immission Control Ordinance and depend on the mower used. You are on the safe side if you mow your lawn between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

For the exact times, it is best to inquire at your local authority office, as these can vary locally.

Which lawn mower?

Which lawn mower is best for cutting grass? Whether you decide on a roller mower, sickle mower or air cushion mower plays a subordinate role. It is important, however, that the knife blades are kept sharp (preferably sharpen once a year) so that the blades of grass are cut accurately. This is how you get a nice lawn.

Why mow the lawn at all?

Finally: does a lawn have to be mowed at all? No. However, within a very short time it turns into a magnificent summer meadow. This is beautiful to look at, but not suitable for lying down or playing. If your heart bleeds while mowing the splendor of the early summer flowers, you can consider leaving part of the lawn unmowed and leaving it to nature to play. This is certainly beneficial for the biodiversity in your garden.