Typical diseases of the yucca palm: Brown spots on the leaves

Typical diseases of the yucca palm: Brown spots on the leaves

Leaf spots occur due to fungal infection

The leaf spots appear sporadically at first, but gradually affect more and more leaves (whereby new shoots are initially spared) and gradually enlarge. Sometimes they can spread over the entire leaf so that it turns brown in whole or in part and dries up. The damage is caused by different fungi, which are mostly spread by water droplets on the leaves (for example, by improper watering or rain) as well as by drafts.

also read

  • Reasons for brown spots on the leaves of the Kentia palm
  • Brown spots on the leaves of the lucky chestnut
  • Lilac has brown spots on the leaves - causes and their elimination

Treat infected yucca properly

The best way to treat infected yuccas is as follows:

  • Separate the infected plant to prevent further spread.
  • However, this is not always possible, especially with planted specimens.
  • Cut off any infected leaves directly on the stem.
  • Treat the affected yucca with a fungus remedy.
  • You should first resort to home remedies, such as infusions made from tansy, field horsetail or nettle.
  • However, these agents only help in the early stages of the infestation.
  • If this is more advanced, only chemistry will help.
  • You can treat the fungus with fungicides that contain sulfur or copper (e.g. network sulfur)
  • or use a broad spectrum fungicide. This is necessary because the exact type of fungus cannot usually be determined.

Be careful not to spray the yucca with fungicide inside the apartment. For this purpose, always place the plant outside, for example on the balcony or in the garden!

Prevent fungal attack

Fungi belong to the so-called weak parasites, which almost exclusively infect plants that have been weakened by incorrect maintenance. You can recognize a fungicidal infestation not only from leaf spots and pustules, but also from coverings or coatings on leaves and shoots as well as partial wilting. These care mistakes are usually the causes of a fungal infection:

  • Incorrect water supply (too much in most cases)
  • too much or too little fertilizer
  • too high / too low temperatures
  • Lack of light
  • dry heating air

For the treatment of the fungal disease to be successful, you must eliminate the cause (s) for it. Otherwise the fungus will spread again.


Sometimes brown leaf spots are caused not only by fungi, but by pests. Check the affected plant closely for animal pests.