This is how the hot pepper harvest is a success

This is how the hot pepper harvest is a success

The right time

With their fiery spiciness, peppers, processed in a hearty autumn stew, heat up properly. The harvest time from August to October is just right. Nevertheless, it is entirely up to you, at what degree of ripeness you pick the fruit. Green and yellow peppers are also edible. In this state, the capsaisin content has not yet been fully developed, which is why they are much milder in taste than red peppers. At room temperature, however, they ripen within a few days.

also read

  • Hot peppers - the peppers with a special aroma
  • Green peppers also taste delicious
  • This is how you bring your peppers safely through the winter

Protect peppers from frost

If you cultivate your plant in the fresh air, it is important to harvest it before the first frost or at least to bring it indoors. This is the advantage of keeping the bucket. Often not all fruits can be used if they have to be picked. However, if you place the pot on the windowsill, the harvest can also be done gradually.

After harvest

Growing vegetables yourself has two positive effects. On the one hand, of course, it makes you proud to watch the fruits slowly flourish. In addition, you save yourself the purchase and can use the home-grown vegetables for cooking. The pepperoni is very versatile in this regard. Have you ever tried a delicious chili con carne? Or how about a pasta in a chili sauce? The vegetables are also a pleasure filled with cream cheese. Depending on the purpose of processing, there are the following options for storing the peppers:

  • Process immediately harvest-fresh
  • Spread out on kitchen paper and allow to dry
  • Freeze the peppers (it is best to chop them into small pieces beforehand so that they can be used immediately after thawing)


Before freezing, it is a good idea to remove the seeds. But don't throw them away. As with dried fruits, the seeds can be stored in a container in a cool place and used for reproduction. However, this only works with the seeds of red fruits. Green pepper seeds often fail to sprout.