Hops as a privacy screen in the garden or on the balcony

Hops as a privacy screen in the garden or on the balcony

That is why hops are well suited as privacy screens.

Hops are good privacy screens for several reasons:

  • Grows very quickly
  • forms a lot of leaf mass
  • needs little maintenance
  • Fruits and young shoots are edible
  • does not leave any damage to the masonry

also read

  • Caring for hops properly in the garden or on the balcony
  • Growing hops - how to grow hops in the garden
  • The rapid growth of hops in the garden

Hops can be used in many ways. The young shoots can be prepared like asparagus. The hops, which are needed for brewing beer or for natural remedies, are made from the female fruits. In addition, hops are very decorative due to their size and the leaves that are reminiscent of vine leaves.

That is how fast hops grow

Hops sprout very early in the year. If the weather is good and the nutrient supply is optimal, a plant grows up to a meter in height per week. Hops can grow up to seven meters and even higher. The climbing plant stays smaller on the balcony because the roots cannot spread as far in the tub.

Hops are absorbed in winter

Hops as a privacy screen have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the maintenance measures required for other privacy protection plants are not required. Hops are only shortened in autumn and then absorbed. A general pruning is only required in the spring before new growth.

One disadvantage of hops as a privacy screen is that the plant overwinters in the ground. From autumn to spring, the climbing plant does not offer any privacy.

It doesn't work without a trellis!

Hops are climbers. The hop tendrils wind around suitable climbing aids in a clockwise direction. You have to provide the plant with trellises and occasionally help it climb.

Balcony parapets are usually not high enough. Here you have to provide for higher climbing sticks or pull strong ropes.


If you grow hops as a privacy screen in the garden on the property line, keep a sufficient distance from the neighboring property. Hops not only grow very quickly above ground, the roots also spread in all directions. If the plant is too close to the limit, trouble is inevitable.