Drive away flies outdoors

Drive away flies outdoors

What attracts flies in the garden?

  • Strong smells
  • Long grass
  • Standing waters

Strong smells

When it comes to smell, the preferences of humans and flies are very different. Flies love smells that you find rather repulsive. So it is certainly in your best interest to source sources like

  • Animal feces
  • Rotting fruit
  • Rotting plants in the pond or the rain barrel
  • Or animal carcasses

also read

  • Fighting flies in compost - tips for prevention
  • Do carnivorous plants help against flies?
  • To scare off flies from tomatoes - biologically and permanently

to remove. When creating a compost heap, make sure that there is enough space from the seating area in your garden.

Long grass

By mowing your lawn regularly, you will prevent a plague of flies in summer. Scarifying is also not recommended with regard to attracting the flies.

Standing waters

Cover rain barrels (€ 149.95 at Amazon *) with a tarpaulin or a wooden lid and do not leave any water buckets in the garden. The flies feel very comfortable here. Of course, that shouldn't prevent you from owning a garden pond. Provide water movement with a small fountain. That is enough to make the place unattractive for the flies.

Drive away flies outdoors

  • Distract flies
  • Suitable plants
  • alcohol
  • Predators
  • Air movement

Distract flies

Why shouldn't flies get their money's worth too, just in a different location? Mix some molasses with cornmeal and place the mixture far away from the patio. Soon the plague of flies shifts to the alternative source of food.

Suitable plants

Flies can smell the

  • elder
  • lavender
  • basil
  • Lead bush
  • or mint.

In addition, a Venus flytrap not only impresses with its exotic appearance. It devours the flies as live food.


Alcohol, especially vodka, is one of the repulsive smells.


Not everyone likes spiders, but the eight-legged animals are very useful in the fight against flies. No sooner has an insect stuck itself in the silky threads than the humming guest in the garden has happened.

Air movement

A fan not only brings refreshing drafts on hot summer days, but also effectively keeps flies away.