Fighting downy mildew on cherry laurel

Fighting downy mildew on cherry laurel

Appropriate means

In the case of light infestation, it may be sufficient to cut off all affected parts of the plant and dispose of them in the household waste. You should refrain from composting, as downy mildew forms permanent spores which are spread in the garden when the fertilizer is applied.

Before you resort to the chemical club, you should tackle downy mildew with environmentally friendly means. Sprayings with garlic or onion broth have proven effective. Neem oil is considered a secret weapon against powdery mildew. When sprayed on the plant, it increases its resistance and kills the fungus. If the infestation cannot be contained, the trade has highly effective fungicides available.

Tips & Tricks

Ensure a natural balance in the garden, prevent powdery mildew infestation. The cute ladybugs graze the mushroom and keep it in check.