Can i share my Clivia?

Can i share my Clivia?

When can I separate the daughter plants?

Wait before dividing the mother and daughter plants until the offshoot is at least 20 to 25 centimeters tall. Then he begins to form his own roots. As a rule of thumb, the child should be about half the size of the mother plant.

also read

  • Help, my Clivia has brown leaves!
  • Help, my Clivia is getting yellow leaves!
  • Help, my Clivia is not blooming!

If you want to cut off this kind of child, be sure to use a clean and sharp knife for it. You can also carefully break off the offshoot. You should also be careful not to damage the plant or the offshoot.

How do I plant and care for the offshoot?

Put the daughter plant in a pot with commercially available potting soil. To improve the permeability of the soil, you may add a little sand. If you have cut off several children, it is best to plant them individually. When repotting later, the tender roots could be damaged. The young plants stay in their pot until the roots grow out of the earth.

Root formation works best in a moist but not wet substrate. If this starts to smell unpleasant, then the roots are probably rotten and a quick repot is called for. You should therefore only water your young clivia when the substrate is a little dry and then not too abundantly.

It can take two to three years for the first bloom. During this time you will treat the young Clivia more and more like an adult plant. After a while, water abundantly in the summer months and only a little in winter. Then the plant hibernates and should not be fertilized.

Tips for dividing the Clivia:

  • do not divide the root ball
  • Carefully separate Kindel
  • carefully cut or break
  • Daughter plants should be at least 20 cm tall
  • Plant in normal potting soil or a mixture of soil and sand
  • water only moderately for the time being


By separating daughter plants, you get new, attractive clivia relatively quickly.