How toxic is the Schefflera to cats?

How toxic is the Schefflera to cats?

Slightly toxic to cats

The Schefflera is slightly poisonous to poisonous for cats. It is the oxalate crystals it contains that can bother cats. They challenge the work of the kidneys and can damage them and the bladder. Radiation aralia are also poisonous for humans.

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Life-threatening danger - probably not

The ray aralia does not represent a life-threatening danger. It is extremely unlikely that a cat would be fatally poisoned by this houseplant. The Schefflera only becomes dangerous when larger amounts are ingested. However, cats usually do not consume such large amounts. Therefore: don't panic! It is much more likely that kidney stones could develop after consumption.

Typical symptoms of intoxication and first aid

If one or more of the following symptoms appear after consuming the radiated aralia, you should consult a veterinarian and give your cat water as soon as possible:

  • diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Salivation
  • Tremble
  • Balance disorders
  • Tumbling
  • Loss of appetite

Safety precautions for a carefree coexistence

Do you keep the Schefflera as a bonsai? Then you shouldn't put them on the landing, on the patio floor, or anywhere else where cats have free access. Traffic lights, cupboards and unreachable shelves are better suited as locations.


If your cat is not about to starve, it will hardly occur to it to satisfy its hunger by eating the ray aralia.