How to properly transplant a butterfly lilac

How to properly transplant a butterfly lilac

When is the best time?

In order to transplant a butterfly bush without great stress, please wait for the leaf-free period. The months of October and November are a wise choice of dates, as the ground is still well warmed up by the autumn sun at this time.

also read

  • What is the best location for a butterfly lilac?
  • This is how you care for a butterfly lilac in an exemplary manner
  • Planting butterfly lilacs - how to do it at the optimal time

Alternatively, we recommend a frost-free day in early spring, as soon as the ground has thawed thoroughly. In this case, overwinter the buddleia at the previous location as usual so that it is not weakened by frost damage when you move it.

Step-by-step instructions

Since a lot of root volume is lost when transplanting, cut back the butterfly bush by a third in advance. In this way you keep the balance between underground and above-ground parts of the plant. Then proceed as follows:

  • Tie the shrub together with a rope in a loose curl
  • Cut off the root ball with a sharp spade
  • The radius corresponds to at least three quarters of the stature height after pruning
  • Use the digging fork to loosen the root ball and lift it out of the earth

The more soil that remains on the root ball, the more advantageous it is for later growth. Before you move the butterfly bush, a planting pit should be prepared at the new location with 1.5 times the diameter of the root mass. Quickly transport the excavated shrub to the new location. There you transplant the wood as deep as before. Sludge the earth and loosen the rope from the branches.

Care after moving

In the following period, water a butterfly bush abundantly and regularly, without causing waterlogging. If you move the flowering trees in autumn, spread a thick layer of mulch of leaves and brushwood over the root disc as winter protection. By enriching the excavation of the pit with compost and horn shavings before transplanting, you support the rooting at the new location.


Proper transplanting and pruning go hand in hand with the butterfly bush. The clippings are far too good to be disposed of on the compost. Instead, clever home gardeners use 10 to 20 cm long head shoots as cuttings in order to propagate their most beautiful flowering bush in this way.

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