Protect roses from fungal attack with horsetail

Protect roses from fungal attack with horsetail

Field horsetail contains sulfuric acid and silica

Even when you touch field horsetail, you will feel a slightly rough surface. It comes from the high amount of silica contained in horsetail. It also contains sulfuric acid, potassium and other minerals.

also read

  • Horsetail fights powdery mildew on roses
  • Make horsetail manure yourself
  • Spray roses without chemicals - plant protection on a natural basis

When you rub the leaves, you will smell a spicy scent. It comes from the camphor oil in the leaves.

Due to its ingredients, field horsetail is not only a natural remedy, but also works wonders for ornamental plants in the garden. Horsetail is the ideal pesticide and fertilizer, especially for roses.

Protect roses from fungal attack with horsetail

Powdery mildew is common on roses. You can use field horsetail in the event of an acute infestation and for prevention. To do this, make a broth made from field horsetail:

  • Chop up fresh or dried cabbage
  • soak in water (do not use a metal container!)
  • boil after 24 hours
  • let cool down
  • Pour through a sieve
  • Dilute 1: 4 with water
  • spray on the roses with a squirt bottle

For the basic recipe you need 200 grams of fresh field horsetail or 15 grams of dried cabbage.

If the infestation is acute, spray the roses with the broth several times a day. One application per week is sufficient for prevention.

Field horsetail as a tonic for roses

If you want to do something good for your roses, fertilize them with manure made from field horsetail. Prepare fresh or dried cabbage as you would for a broth. Use plastic buckets or barrels that can be covered as receptacles.

Let the horsetail soak in the water for several days. Once a day you should stir the manure. It's ripe when the brew stops foaming.

Fertilize the roses with a mixture of one part field horsetail manure and five parts water.


If possible, use broth and manure made from field horsetail only in the morning. You must not spray the leaves with it in the blazing sun. The liquid manure is poured around the plant so that the roots are not directly wetted.