How should you store a coconut?

How should you store a coconut?

Due to the high fat content, fresh fruit pulp or coconut butter becomes rancid relatively quickly in the air. In addition, the coconut is sensitive to mold infestation. That is why the opened coconut must be kept cool and should be consumed or processed as soon as possible.

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Can you store a coconut for a long time?

As long as the coconut is still closed, it is easy to store. To do this, it needs a cool, dry place. However, it dries out quickly, the coconut water is getting less and less. If the coconut water is “used up”, the coconut meat becomes dry and fibrous. It no longer tastes fresh but soapy.

The valuable ingredients of the coconut:

  • refreshing coconut water
  • valuable fatty acids such as lauric acid
  • Coconut oil
  • Coconut milk
  • Minerals like zinc, selenium and folic acid

How do you store an opened coconut?

A coconut that has been opened quickly loses its taste and freshness. You will feel this clearly the very next day. You can store a coconut in a closed plastic bag or container in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days. The coconut meat should get as little oxygen as possible. This will prevent your coconut from tasting soapy or rancid.

If you want to store a coconut for a longer period of time, you can grate the coconut meat and freeze or dry it. If you are freezing desiccated coconut, use a bag and push as much air out of the bag as you can. The less oxygen comes into contact with the coconut, the better the rasps will taste after thawing.

To dry, spread the desiccated coconut on a baking sheet and dehydrate it in the oven at approx. 57 ° C for about eight hours. Alternatively, you can set the oven to 120 ° C for 10 to 15 minutes to dry the desiccated coconut. A slight browning may occur at this temperature. The dried and cooled coconut flakes are stored in an airtight container in a cool dry place.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to store an opened coconut longer, you should grate it and freeze or dry it.


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