Pruning the Mirabelle plum tree - timing is crucial

Pruning the Mirabelle plum tree - timing is crucial

Why mirabelle trees need a pruning

The fruit trees belong to the genus of plums and grow not so much upwards as they are spreading and shrub-like in all directions. In addition, the mirabelle plum grows at a rapid pace. It is therefore crucial to cut the mirabelle plum in good time, otherwise not all leaves and twigs would get a lot of light and air. The delicious fruits could then not fully ripen by the time of harvest between August and September.

Pruning trees at the right time

Mirabelle trees bloom from April to May. So that nothing stands in the way of a high harvest yield, you should cut your trees before this phase in February or March or in autumn. Winter pruning can lead to fungal diseases in the Mirabelle and should therefore be avoided.