When and how should you cut a sun hat?

When and how should you cut a sun hat?

Cut the sun hat for the vase

Many types of sun hat are suitable as cut flowers for the vase. The high coneflower is particularly durable in this regard, it belongs to the genus Rudbeckia. Some Echinacea varieties have slightly unattractive pendulous tongues, but there are also varieties without this "blemish". Sun hat goes very well in colorful summer bouquets. Species with longer stems are particularly suitable for this.

also read

  • When does the coneflower bloom?
  • The ideal location for a sun hat
  • How do you overwinter the coneflower?

Cut the roots of the coneflower

So that you always have flowering perennials in your garden, it is advisable to regularly divide and rejuvenate the plants. Every three to four years or so, you dig up your coneflower and use the spade to cut off a piece or two from the rhizome to plant in another location.

Cutting sun hat for healing purposes

Echinacea is a well-known medicinal plant. It is mainly used for the prevention of susceptibility to infections and for the treatment of colds. It can also be used externally, for example for abscesses, boils and wounds that do not heal well. Tinctures are commercially available, but you can also make your own, as can tea blends.

If you would like to process Echinacea into a tincture or tea yourself, then cut off the above-ground parts of the plant during the flowering period, from July to September. Leaves, flowers and stems are used.

The roots can also be used for healing purposes. The plants should, however, be around four years old and be quite vigorous. In the period from October to April you can then cut part of the roots.

The best tips for cutting sun hat:

  • prune back in autumn or spring
  • second flowering possible with some varieties by pruning early
  • Cut the sun hat for the vase in the morning
  • Cut echinacea as a medicinal herb during the flowering period

Tips & Tricks

Sun hat is ideal for colorful summer bouquets. If you like cut flowers, then plant different colored varieties or a variety with double flowers.