How to Properly Cut Your Corkscrew Willow

How to Properly Cut Your Corkscrew Willow

Time window is open in winter

Choosing a date for the pruning is just as important as the pruning itself. If you want to cut your corkscrew willow properly, the only thing that comes into consideration is a frost-free day during the leaf-free period. As a result, the time window is open from November to February / March. In the middle of the vegetation period, the pruning of isolated head cuttings for propagation is allowed.

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  • How to properly transplant a corkscrew willow - tips & tricks
  • Is the corkscrew willow poisonous?
  • In which location does the corkscrew willow thrive?

First thin out - then cut back

Before you cut your corkscrew willow back to the desired size, thin out the ornamental shrub thoroughly. So that the sunlight can penetrate deep into the wood, all dead shoots are cut off close to the ground. Proceed in the same way with poor, diseased branches that are too close together. From the fifth year of standing, 3 or 4 of the oldest branches should be removed in order to ensure continuous rejuvenation.

Instructions for the correct cut

Last but not least, the corkscrew willow proves its undemanding frugality with uncomplicated demands on the cut. Even if, as a beginner, you do not cut the ornamental wood completely correctly, the mistakes will grow out again in no time and you can try again. This overview shows how to prune the distinctive shrub correctly:

  • Cut back all branches to the desired length
  • Apply the scissors a short distance above a branch or a leaf knot
  • Shortening up to a hand's breadth above the floor is possible without any problems

Take a few steps back as you work to plan the next cuts. In this way, you ensure that the corkscrew willow presents itself with harmonious contours at the end.

Cut back radically in the bucket and repot

So that the corkscrew willow exudes its bizarre charm in the bucket, you should prune the shrub back every year. After you have thinned out the wood, radically shorten any remaining branches. As long as at least one sleeping eye remains on the branch, the plant will sprout again.

After pruning, repot the ornamental shrub into a larger container. In order to use the previous vessel again, the root ball can be sawn to the right size and reinserted in fresh substrate.

Care after the cut

Beyond the shape and maintenance cut, a corkscrew willow only requires little maintenance. A layer of mulch is beneficial for dense, healthy growth. Spread a layer of compost on the root disc, supplemented with horn shavings, (6.39 € at Amazon *) the ornamental wood gratefully accepts these organic nutrients. Watering is only necessary in the event of prolonged drought.


No matter how radically you can cut back your corkscrew willow; This measure has no effect on the spread of the aggressive roots. If you fear damage as a result of intensive root pressure on masonry, supply pipes or paved surfaces, you cannot avoid a complete removal of the rhizomes.