Are there clematis that bloom in the shade?

Are there clematis that bloom in the shade?

These clematis have the potential for shade

If you are looking for a clematis for dim lighting, you will find it at Clematis alpina. This species and its relatives come from the Alps and other regions of the world with a harsh climate. This is why they are so robust by nature that neither frosty temperatures nor a shady location set them any limits. We have put together some of the most beautiful varieties for you:

  • Clematis alpina 'Frances Rivis': deep blue flowers from April to June, with a height of 200 to 300 cm
  • Clematis alpina 'Constance': half-double flowers in deep pink from April to May; ideal for buckets
  • Clematis alpina 'Sibirica alba': shines in bright white from April and is considered to be well hardy

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Clematis alpina and their relatives are summarized under the name Clematis atrage. Each clematis in this group grows rapidly upwards in the first few years, although most of the time there is still no flower. From the third year on, the growth in length decreases in favor of an exuberant abundance of flowers.

Italian clematis thrives in all locations

When it comes to planting a location with changing light conditions, the Clematis viticella is there. This robust species and its varieties are recommended for both sunny locations and shade. Since the Clematis campaniflora emerged from the Italian clematis, it also scores with these attributes. Get to know magnificent varieties here:

  • Clematis viticella 'Alba Luxurians': impresses with its long flowering period from June to September with white bells
  • Clematis viticella 'Betty Corning': surprises with light purple bell flowers until October
  • Clematis viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans': a historical variety with purple-colored flowers

The Clematis campaniflora adorns the garden with countless cup flowers. If you choose a white flowering variety, it is ideal for shade.

Tips & Tricks

If a clematis is suitable for shade, this attribute goes hand in hand with a pronounced sensitivity to moisture. Knowledgeable hobby gardeners plant this clematis slightly elevated on a small mound so that rain and irrigation water can run off better.