Why good roses cost so much

Why good roses cost so much

If you buy cheap, you buy twice

First of all: Roses from the discounter are of course much cheaper and sometimes you can get a real bargain there and be lucky that the rose bouquet actually lasts a few days. Cheap rose plants for the garden and pots from the supermarket, however, rarely keep their promises. These are often goods from abroad that are quickly brought in or rejects from rose nurseries or tree nurseries that are difficult to sell - usually the quality is poor and the rose will not grow as you hope it will. Exceptions always prove the rule, of course.

also read

  • Growing roses takes a lot of patience and dedication
  • For healthy roses and more abundance of flowers - pruning faded roses
  • Grafting roses - instructions for grafting roses

The breeder's effort has to be paid for

Modern rose varieties of good or even exceptionally high quality, which are in very good health, robust and long-lasting, are the result of years to decades of careful breeding. Rose growers put a lot of energy and work into their breeds, which of course should be rewarded accordingly. The careful breeding, propagation and care of rose and tree nurseries not only costs a lot of work, but also requires the necessary specialist knowledge.

Making roses last longer

But whether expensive or cheap, cut roses for the vase can be made longer lasting with simple methods. Above all, this means that you make sure that the roses are of good quality when you buy them: they should appear fresh, not dried out and the flowers should not yet have fully opened. At home you should cut the stems diagonally and put the roses in lukewarm water - the flowers do not like cold water. Use a wide necked vase and change the water daily.


Roses can also be cultivated wonderfully in a sufficiently large and deep pot on the balcony or terrace - so you can always enjoy the lush flowers.