How to properly store the bulbs of the hyacinth

How to properly store the bulbs of the hyacinth

Store hyacinth bulbs from the garden correctly

After flowering, leave the bulbs in the bed or pot for a long time before digging them up. During this time you are not allowed to see the hyacinths

  • To cut
  • to water
  • Fertilize

also read

  • Plant, care for and store hyacinth bulbs correctly
  • How to care for the hyacinth in the pot when it has withered
  • Maintain hyacinth in the house and garden for several years

You should only remove that which has faded, as seeds develop from the flowers, which only rob the tuber unnecessarily.

When the leaves are yellow and withered, dig up the onion, cut the leaves and clean them. It also needs to dry for a while.

The right wintering quarters

It is best to plant hyacinth bulbs in very early spring. Until then, you need to find a good place to camp. It is ideal when it is dark, cold and dry. Garages, cellars or garden houses are well suited.

Do not put the dry and clean onions too close together in a basket. You can store the tubers without any substrate. But it is better if you have something

  • Dry earth
  • peat
  • Wood wool
  • straw

Distribute between the tubers. Some gardeners wrap the bulbs in newspaper.

The tubers should not dry out completely. Every now and then you may need to slightly increase the humidity.

Stratify before planting

Before the bulbs are placed outdoors or in the pot, they must be stratified by exposing them to the cold for about eight weeks. This is done either outside on the terrace or in the refrigerator.

Leave hyacinth bulbs in the garden

You save the storage of hyacinth bulbs if you leave the spring flowers in the bed over winter. The onions tolerate frost without any problems.

However, in very humid weather it can happen that the soil is too wet and the onions rot. It is therefore important that you create loose, water-permeable soil before planting.

Tips & Tricks

Purchased hyacinth bulbs are already stratified. Plant them as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you store them in the plastic packaging for a long time.

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How can fruit and vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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