Pine fruits - small cones with amazing properties

Pine fruits - small cones with amazing properties

Characteristics of the pine fruit

The fruits of the pine are cones, which have the following properties:

  • egg-shaped
  • green when immature
  • 3-8 cm long
  • short stalked
  • hanging, protruding when ripe
  • open when dry

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Fruit ripening and seed formation

Did you know that a pine tree takes ten to fifteen years to flower? In addition, the fruits only ripen every other year. The fruit ripens in autumn from September to October. The small cones form seeds at this time, which initially remain hidden inside. Only when it is dry do the cone scales open and release the seeds. If you perk up your ears, you can sometimes hear a faint cracking sound as the fruits unfold. Either the cones stay on the tree after they have dropped the seeds or they also fall to the ground. The pine multiplies ostensibly by the wind. Cross-pollination is somewhat rarer.

From the flower to the cone- The difference between male and female pine fruits

When it comes to seed formation, the decisive factor is whether it is a male or a female cone. The conifer is monoecious, so it has both sexes. The flowers can also be visually distinguished from one another. The large number of cat-like yellow flowers are of the male variety. The females, on the other hand, have red buds. After pollination, the cones, which later bear a seed, are only formed from them.

Collecting pine fruits

Would you like to use the seeds to grow your own pine? It is best to look for it on a dry autumn day. If the cone has not yet fully opened, place it in a dry, warm place at home so that it opens and releases the seed. If there are still no cones on the ground, an upright position indicates that the conifer will soon shed its fruit.