The right location for a bat nest box

The right location for a bat nest box

Suitable places

Bat nest boxes are often hung in woods. But this is also quite conceivable in your own garden, for example

  • on a house wall
  • on a tree

additional conditions

  • sheltered location
  • not in the blazing sun
  • do not align the entrance hole to the north

Keep flight lane free

Bats have a very sensitive radar location. Nevertheless, shrubs or trees standing in the way lead to irritation. The approach lane must always be free and should not be disturbed by people.

The height is crucial

Maintain a minimum height of 3 meters when hanging your bat nest box. Many species drop out of their sleeping quarters before they fly away. In addition, the animals are safe from cats at this altitude. The higher you place the nest box (8.76 € on Amazon *), the greater the variety of species your guests will have.