The perfect location for the hydrangea in the garden

The perfect location for the hydrangea in the garden

The hydrangea feels at home here

You can't go wrong with a partially shaded and sheltered location. All hydrangea species thrive here.

also read

  • Hydrangea "Limelight" tolerates sunny locations
  • How is the hydrangea cared for after flowering?
  • The hydrangea is drooping its flowers - what is the cause?

Some varieties are also suitable for maintenance in a shady location. In detail these are:

  • Farm hydrangeas
  • Oak-leaved hydrangea
  • Climbing hydrangea
  • Forest hydrangea

Location in the sun

A newly laid out garden often lacks shade, as the trees are still small and hardly provide any shade. This is no reason to forego the hydrangea's bloom. The oak-leaved hydrangea and panicle hydrangea also get along well in full sun. Keep in mind, however, that hydrangeas that stand in the sun require a little more care.

Demands on the soil

Hydrangeas prefer nutritious, deep, humus-rich and loose soil. The pH value depends on the flower color and does not have to be, as is often read, in the very acidic range of all hydrangeas. Pink or red flowering varieties in particular prefer a pH value in the basic range.

The name Hydrangea means “water slurper” and stands for the enormous thirst that the plant can develop. Therefore the substrate should have the property of storing water well. In addition to special hydrangea soil, the special needs of the hydrangea are also met by rhododendron or azalea soil, which you can get from specialist gardeners.

Hydrangeas on the balcony or terrace

What applies to garden hydrangeas also applies to container plants: Maintain the hydrangea in a shady location and protect the plant from the blazing midday sun. The hydrangea should never dry out, but it must also not stand in water.

Tips & Tricks

In very sunny locations you can shade the hydrangea with a white sheet during the hot midday hours.